Saturday, January 25, 2020
Propeller Aircraft Past Present And Future Technologies Engineering Essay
Propeller Aircraft Past Present And Future Technologies Engineering Essay This is a preliminary report for a project on Propeller aircraft, it aims to show the past, present and future technologies used on propeller driven aircraft. The introduction gives a brief history of propeller engine development. After which objectives section explains what this report hopes to achieve by the end of this project. Few of the main objectives include, highlighting the advancements in propeller blade designs and propeller engines, and detailing the future technologies currently in development regarding propeller aircraft. Also it is intends to explain the argument why propeller aircraft are better suited for intercity travel when compared to jet aircraft due to overall lower environmental pollution. This report then describes the tasks that need to be carried out in order to bring this project to a timely conclusion, the progress that has been made to date and finally limitations regarding this project are outlined and mitigating strategies discussed. Table of Contents Word Count = 2133 1 Introduction Propeller aircraft have come a long way since the early days of fixed pitch wooden propellers that were used by the Wright brothers on the Wright Flyer. These propellers were not very efficient as they were fixed pitch, which meant that they were only optimum in at one engine speed. I.e. either they were good for takeoff but the angle was not right for cruise or they were optimum at cruise but not efficient during takeoff due to high slippage. Figure 1 shows some examples of fixed pitch propellers o different designs. Figure 1, Examples of fixed pitch propellers. Available [Online] at [Accessed: 23rd November 2010] 1.2 Historical Developments In the late 1920s we saw the development of ground adjusted metal propeller this allowed for better efficiency as blade angles could be changed due to the local weather conditions and the different type of aircraft they were being used on. Figure 2 shows a ground adjustable metal propeller. Figure 2, Ground adjustable propeller. Available [Online] at [Accessed 27th November 2010] These also became outdated by the development of constant speed propeller system, which allowed you to change the pitch of the propeller blades during ground or in flight and this system continues to be used even today. Other improvements of propeller designs from 1930s through World War II included the feathering of the propeller for multi engine aircraft in case one engine became inoperative during flight; and reversing propeller systems that allowed for shorter landing distances and greater ground manoeuvrability. (Delp, 1979) In recent times we have seen the development of composite blades, which are lighter, stronger and more durable then metal blades and are controlled by constant variable pitch changing mechanism which offer optimum efficiency. As the design of the propeller blades have been changing constantly so has the way these propellers have been powered, from the early piston engines to the turboprop engines of current times; each change ensuring better performance and more efficient propeller aircraft. Though the development of the Jet engine in the 1930s by Sir Frank Whittle, an RAF serviceman was suppose to change the game plan for propeller aircraft as turbofan engines were perceived to be the only future, turboprop engines have defied those expectations and are still continued to be used till today. The reason for this is that they provide maximum efficiency in low altitude, short range flights such as city hopper jets. These are usually operated from smaller airports hence the short takeoff and landing (STOL) characteristic of these aircraft gives them the edge over the turbojets. They are also more fuel economical when compared to their turbofan counterparts as the latter burn high quantity of fuel during takeoff and climb out phases and are usually optimum for long range, high altitude flights, due to this they are also ideal as fright carrier aircraft. So for these reasons turboprops continued to be used by many airlines for short haul flights, and hence therefore continue to defy the prediction of those sceptic people who said that propeller aircraft would die out as turbofans were the clear cut future of civil aviation. Figure 3 shows a modern day constant speed, composite bladed turboprop aircraft, from this we can how the design of the blades and pitch changing mechanism s have evolved from the early wooden and metal props. Figure 3, Constant Speed Propeller, Available [Online] at> [Accessed] 1st Dec 2010]) 2 Aims The aim of this project is to provide an in depth report of the development of propeller aircraft and their associated benefits over jet aircraft. To highlight why turboprops are best for inter city travel and their relative environmental impact when compared to turbojets, this will be done by analysing the statistical figures for their fuel efficiency, the average fuel emissions per person and the noise emissions of the two types of aircraft; from this one will be able to come to the conclusion that which of these type of aircraft are best to reduce the environmental impact of air travel. Also the past, present and future technologies for propeller aircraft will be discussed and presented to the reader clearly explaining their benefits. 2.2 Objectives The objectives of this report are listed below and explain the issues that this report is going to investigate and the findings it will show. To explore the development of the propeller engines from the early piston engines through to the modern day turboprops. To examine how propeller blades have developed over the years from the early wooden to the composite blades of today, including studying the development of variable pitch changing mechanism that has significantly increased propeller efficiency in each different flight phase. To highlight the benefits of propeller engines over jet engines for inter city travel aircraft and freight carriers. To investigate the fuel efficiency and noise emissions of different types of propeller aircraft, in particular turboprop. To investigate the future technology being developed using propeller aircraft, such as the open rotor concept that was first studied in the 1980s by General Electrics and NASA due to the last round of high fuel prices. To highlight the benefits and drawbacks of distinctive propeller A/C designs, such as the tilt-rotor technology that is employed on the Boeing-Bell V22 Osprey. To analyse future methods and procedures that could be used to reduce the environmental impact of propeller aircraft such as external noise suppression, synchrophasing of propeller blades and active noise control. To investigate the different fluid dynamic studies that have been carried out on various different propeller designs to show which design is the most efficient and why. 3 Analysis of tasks To achieve the objectives of this report extensive research on propeller aircraft will be carried out, especially regarding turboprops. A performance database listing all the appraisals for major turboprop aircraft that are being used in commercial and military environments will be constructed. This will make it easy to compare the performances of different turboprop aircraft against one another of different category and weight i.e. their fuel consumption, ceiling height, max speed etc. In order to highlight the benefits of turboprops for intercity travel, turbojets used for the same routes will also be looked at, in order to give a direct comparison. To investigate the development of propeller engines, propeller blades and the pitch changing mechanism the following textbooks will be used amongst others: Aircraft Propellers and Controls, Delp, Frank, 1979 Powerplant Textbook, Jeppesen, 2002 Jet and Turbine Aero engines, Gunston, Bill, 1997 As well as these books other sources such as the internet and aircraft magazines are to be used. The internet will be the main source of information for this report as it contains vast amount of data and archives related to propeller aircraft and their development, information that otherwise would be hard to find. After the research is completed into each part it will be collated into one report. The main findings from this report are expected to show whether propeller aircraft or jet aircraft have lower environmental impact during short haul flights. Future technologies involving turboprop engines will also be included; in particular the development of the General Electrics GE36 open rotor engine of the 1980s which gave us increased fuel efficiency. Figure 4 shows a GE36 on a NASA test rig. The major drawbacks for this design such as noise, vibration issues will also be discussed in the view of reducing environmental pollution. (Open rotor engine, 2008) Photo Figure 4, Open Rotor Engine [Online] Available at: [Accessed] 3rd December 2010) The fluid dynamic studies involving different propeller designs will be looked at to see which blade design is the most efficient and to explain the reason behind this. If time permits Solidworks will be used to simulate fluid dynamics on at least two different blade designs to confirm these findings. 4 Gantt Chart 5 Current status of the project Research has been carried out using various internet sites and information has been gathered on the development of propeller engines, the blades construction and the pitch change mechanism used on propeller aircraft. Also a database appraisal of different props that are currently in use around the world is being constructed, detailing information such as range, max payload, max ceiling etc; this will be used to validate why propeller aircraft are more economical for short haul flight when compared to jet aircraft. Research on the ultra high bypass (prop fan) open rotor concept has shown that the new designs by using titanium, lightweight stainless steel and composite materials offer 15 percent better fuel economy then some leading turbofan engines. The designers for this engine have achieved 30:1 bypass ratio, by employing single or dual propellers with composite blades that have 12 to 15 feet diameter. As composite blades are lighter, they allow for safer operation at higher speeds. But the disadvantages of noise, vibration and maintenance issues cannot be simply overlooked. This information has helped to clarify why this design has the potential for success but also why it is still a long way to becoming a reality. (Jeppesen, 2002) The Bombardier Q400 (Q standing for Quiet) was looked at and shows that this new generation turboprop aircraft produces 30 percent less fuel emissions and is said to be more efficient then an average car, when calculated on per passenger basis. It also employs a revolutionary Active Noise and Vibration Suppression system; that prevents noise and vibration from entering the cabin. (Bombardiers Greener Turboprop, 2008) 6 Discussion Conclusion The research that has been conducted up to now is generic to say the least, but it does cover most of the objectives that are listed for this report. Nonetheless, more specific research is needed regarding points such as the future development of propeller engines especially the open rotor concept; and the potential noise suppression techniques being studied for turboprop aircraft. Research regarding the last two points will have to be conducted over the Christmas holidays as much more information is needed, whilst it is to be ensured that enough time is also taken out for revision for end of semester exams straight after the holidays. In view of the time constraints the study on fluid dynamics of propeller blades using computer software Solidworks will be carried out towards the end of the project, this is to ensure that main objectives of this project are covered as it is assumed that it will take time to get used to operating this software. The purpose of this part is to show which propeller blade shape is most efficient and why. Due to the secrecy of manufacturers regarding their new and exclusive products, especially in the aircraft industry; it is presumed that it will be difficult to get up to date information such as figures and stats for developing technologies such as the open rotor engine being developed by GE and NASA. Along with the already developed tilt-rotor military AC from Boeing-Bell, so therefore general information that is available in the public domain such as on the internet will be used, but the drawback to this is that this information might not be 100% accurate and sometimes cannot be verified. Finally if this report is to be completed on schedule to meet its set objectives then the above mentioned points in this section should be sufficiently addressed on the earliest opportunity to allow time for the fluid dynamic research.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Late Adulthood Paper Essay
People over the age of 65 have gone through a life of changes. He or she starts off as a young baby. He or she then develops into a growing child. into a young individual, and finally into a full adult. Now however is the hardest stage of any older individualââ¬â¢s life, they start to realize that time is limited and their life is slowly starting to decline and come to an end. This experience can be very frightening to the individual because the elderly person is noticing different changes and the rise of different needs. Changes not only physically but socially are occurring, the need for proper living accommodations, and health care are their new worries. With this being said there are many challenges not only for the aging individual but for the whole family as well. One of the social changes that elderly have to deal with is the changes in role and social position. Individuals who have lived a long life tend to have a social status that is often taken away when they retire. This is due to the fact that the individual is no longer in the environment he or she is used to. To make this clearer one example would be someone who has worked for a company for thirty plus years. In these years the individual most likely has made countless friends, on top of that the individual might have been in position of authority. When the individual retires he or she loses the environment that made him the individual he or she was. Some adults go into a shock because they no longer have a purpose. Some feel like they are no longer needed, and often many older people tend to feel neglected or left out of society (Zastrow, H. C., & Oren, D.2009). It is a difficult time for the elderly. Because before they were needed, they had a purpose. Raised children, had a purpose in their career, and often had friends and peers that made their social life exciting. With these last remaining years this all starts to fade away, friends, family, a loved one, and even their own health. This is why living in a nursing home can be so beneficial. It is expected by the year 2050, that there will be just over one hundred million adults over the age ofà sixty five (ââ¬ËAdministration of Agingââ¬â¢, 2014). Currently there are just over twenty million adults of the age of sixty five years of age. What this means is that the need for facilities such as hospices and nursing homes, as well as other health care related facilities will be on a rise as the years continue. Living accommodations in a nursing home may not be a farfetched idea for an elderly individual. This is because nursing homes have individuals just like their own. One reason most senior citizens get depressed is because they are often left alone, let us say their partner had passed away, most senior citizens withdraw from the world too. (2009). Nursing homes may allow new friendships and bonds to be formed with people in their own age group. A nursing home or hospice is the perfect environment for an aging individual not only for the social aspect, but the health aspects as well. When an elderly adult lives alone his or her health will often be highly neglected. In a nursing or hospice home however, there are many great hea lth benefits to take into consideration. According to ââ¬Å"Dependableathomeâ⬠(2009) the benefits of having an elderly adult in a nursing home is because of the environment is made for retired individuals. For one the nurses are all skilled, and highly equipped to handle aged individuals. These facilities allow for individuals to get services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language services, as well as many other medical and social services that can ensure that the individualââ¬â¢s needs are met as best as possible. These are all benefits to an individual that went through adjustment in both retirement and their relationship in marriage, family and peer relationships. Adjustments into retirement can be difficult to overcome; retirement is one of the hardest situations to adjust to. When a person retires, he or she realizes that their life is starting to come down. Often most individuals do not know what to do with their self. Often for most people it takes a while for them to adjust to being home all day Zastrow, H. C., & Oren, D. (2009). They often try to find projects to do around the house but after a while a form of depression kicks in. Another transition they must face is their changes in marriage, their family, and their peer relationships. Often sooner or later a spouse will die, peers will start to die, and family starts to drift off. This is an inevitable process. When a spouse dies the individual usually withdraws from society. When peers start to die it is a bittersweetà remembrance that their time is limited and the people they connected with in the past are no longer here. Family like children are full grown and living their own lives, this often neglects the older adult and is usually left alone to spend his or her remaining years by him or herself. Senior citizens not only deal with these types of hardships but social political hardships as well. Adults who are retired have a tough task at hand indeed. Individuals who once were working no longer have near the income that they once had. Most retired adults made poor choices as into how to set an up a retirement plan. Thus most retired adults only have so cial security income. Surviving on social security income alone is nearly impossible.Thus there are many social policies, laws and programs aimed into trying to help our retired population. Proper health care is one of the policies trying to be ensured to each retired adult. Proper health care will allow for oneââ¬â¢s parent to be ensured into a proper nursing home. According to â⬠Administration of Aging. (2014), political issues that surround retired adults, include equipped and ensuring the proper resources are available to retired adults. These resources include proper medical care. Proper institutions such as nursing homes are available in the right areas and environment, and to make sure the low income retired adults are getting the nutrition he or she needs. There are also plenty of organizations aimed to ensure and to fight potential cuts to the older population to ensure that these populations get what they rightfully deserve.(2014). On a final note, in our growing population the need for facilities such as hospices, and nursing homes are on all time rises. With this growing population many families have to deal with the inevitable loss of a loved one. This inevitable lose can be a very tough, and challenging time for any family. For families a nursing home may be a perfect solution to help a family member in his or her last phase, or journey if one may in life. For with this growing population there are many different needs and factors that contribute in the later adulthood stage. Well obvious needs and changes are biological some needs are not so obvious; such changing needs both occur in social needs, and personality needs as well. Whatever the need may be it is important to take into consideration of each and every one of these retired individual are needs. Each one of these people have helped contribute in some sort of way into the growth of our country and we as a country need toà ensure that these people are getting the proper care they deserve. References Administration of Aging. (2014). Retrieved from Dependableathome. (2009). Retrieved from Zastrow, H. C., & Oren, D. (2009). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social environment (8th Ed.). Retrieved from the University of Phoenix EBook Collection Database
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Nike Company Analysis - 2028 Words
Nike Inc. International Strategic Marketing 8 Prepared for: 22-03-2009 Prepared by: Table of contents Case summary 3 Analysis Growth strategy 4 Competitor Analysis 6 SWOT analysis 8 Five forces model 9 Nike Case Summary Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. It is the world s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel, and a major manufacturer of sports equipment. They have a market share in the United States exceeding 40%. Nike also distributes its products outside the US. In 140 countries, Nike sells products through independent retailers , distributors etc. In the ever changing markets, Nikeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Nike is competing in the market with Adidas, Reebok, New Balance and many other brands. [pic] Growth Strategy Nike operates in several market segments. Within these segments Nike is always looking for ways to grow. Nike is an international company that makes sure they can sell their products in the best possible way. That is why Nike today has several different retail possibilities such as Nike factory outlets, Nike stores and others. In April 2002 Nike acquired the Hurley International and gained access to the market segment for surfing, skateboarding and other youth lifestyle extreme sports. Nike was already selling different products under brand names such as Bauer. But still Nikeââ¬â¢s core business was athletic running shoes. But growth in sales in 2003 was not very large. Only the women tennis casual footwear was experiencing significant growth. But this was due to the fact that the casual lifestyle segment was gaining popularity at that moment. So Nike decided to shift some of its main focus to other markets in the casual market. The casual market is the market with the most potential growth according to analysts, but weak growth in equipment (basketball , running etc). The growth in the casual market takes place in the non-performance segment. Thus Nike has to adapt to the fact that Nike can also be seen as aShow MoreRelatedNike Company Analysis Essay2938 Words à |à 12 PagesUnit 6 Assignment 2 Nike, Incorporated Company Analysis Michael G. Castro Capella University MBA6008 ââ¬â Global Economic Environment Professor Hadsell February 15, 2013 Introduction Being the worldââ¬â¢s leading innovator in athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories, Nike holds to their mission to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world (Bowerman, 2011). Not only does Nike design, develop, and sell a slew of products and services to help athletes, theyRead MoreCompany Analysis of NIKE 20143326 Words à |à 14 Pagesï » ¿NIKE COMPANY ANALYSIS Word count: 2856 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION/ COMPANY BACKGROUND This report examines NIKE Inc. one of the leading sports brand in the world. 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