How to write a descriptive paper
Writing A Discussion Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
Marxist, Neoclassical and Deep ecologist theories of ecological crises
As indicated by Marxist hypothesis the major reasons for ecological debasement is the method of creation that comes into logical inconsistency with the common procedures. It is just capital aggregation that is thought about, however the estimation of condition is given little consideration. The method of entrepreneur creation is structured in such a way to yield the greatest returns as far as benefits inside the most brief time conceivable. This method of creation doesn't incorporate the characteristic process.The industrialist development doesn't consider the time required for the assets to recover or arrangement. The method of creation has likewise been spread over the globe and doesn't regard the previously existing social associations (Kovel, 2007). The creation and flexibly of vitality should proceed without meddling with the indigenous habitat including the verdure and the fauna. Marxist methodologies contend that natural debasement doesn't result from absence of astuteness in entrepreneur method of creation, yet result because of the rationale that underline the system.The call for ecological assurance that would result to subjective development as pushed by social democrats is obstructed by the rationale of business people (Eckersley, 2005). The progression of individual entrepreneur is dictated by the discernment of business people, yet the entire framework become unreasonable because of rivalry among capital, creative procedures to enhance the method of creation and save money on crude materials that doesn't appear because of uncalled for rivalry. Hence there is no one who thinks about the government assistance of nature and in this manner water, soil, air are polluted.Unfair rivalry has come about to overproduction issues. This implies normal assets are overexploited into creation of non productive merchandise and enterprises. Infringement of ecological guidelines have come about because of this unreasonable rivalry looking for super benefits (Kovel, 2007). This can be distinguished by such criminal conduct of utilization of substances that have been deficiently tried, utilization of hurtful and poisonous substances, dumping of harmful squanders in unapproved places, utilization of concoction names with bogus explanation (Eckersley, 2005).Marxist hypothesis of settlers cities contend that most exceptional natural debasement coming about because of financial development is in the most evolved nations. There is monetary abuse because of financial measurement of social, regular and memorable bases in these nations is represented by ware creation which has come about to fracture of social procedures which were utilized underway there is rivalry among proprietors of the incorporated properties which have prompted natural issues in settler countries.There is a lot of utilization of land to make business premises, enterprises, amusement parks and different structures which have encouraged a lot of traffic and driving time, yet the str ucture of requirements have not been changed. There is a lot of traffic blockage in these metropolitan zones because of traffic policing on the private vehicles on the utilization of oil fuel. This is a danger to these spots (Eckersley, 2005). Centralization of property has requested structure of vitality firms particularly atomic force stations and petroleum products which are a danger to the air quality and are not normal in financial utilization of energy.In advertise creation they see it beneficial to discard, copy, flush out what they consider irrelevant and this have added to squander issue (Kovel, 2007). The outcomes of this is a lot of waste in the condition an attribute of industrialist excess which have come about to natural issues of; endless suburbia, annihilation of environmental frameworks over blockage, air contamination, arrival of radioactive substances developing of harmful substances and squanders and so forth (Benton, 1996). The natural disappointments can't be r emedied by capitalism.The ecological assets of water, air, soil, and wood are squandered contaminated and debased regularly without control by private enterprise these natural assets are considered as exogenous factors in economy I. e. they are components of making benefit. The restricted idea of characteristic assets is seen by those purchasers of them however the merchants intrigue is to elucidate them and don’t see the need to protect them. The present push for entrepreneur is deregulation that is controlling to the endeavors made of controlling the misuse of the normal resources.Otherwise they are mulled over on bogus reason that the great benefits (ecologically agreeable) and awful benefits can be recognized on the laws of significant worth. The colonialist nations have planned their structure of the economy as to give end of funnel arrangement as of now when the damage has been finished. This has next to no solutions for the ecological issues. The buyers inside entrepre neur creation have been molded and have disturbed biological emergency. The individual change anyway can contribute almost no in scanning for the arrangement of ecological debasement (Benton, 1996).Ecological issues in creating nations have been believed to be because of neediness. As per Marxist neediness in these nations is because of colonialist activity and their monetary approaches however isn't a result of destiny. Natural issues in colonialist nations are because of wealth and not because of market economy. The needy individuals have become the people in question and specialists of natural corruption. In most creating nations there is lack of fundamental wares particularly fuel, food and water.The ecological issues looked by the creating nations have the cause of industrialist creation. Radical nations have commanded the world market and rely upon creating nations for crude materials of their industry and this have added to overexploitation of normal assets in these nations. The colonialist nations have planned monetary structure that are reliant on the world market and have forced them to the creating nations. Consequently the ecological assets are picked on this reason for fare to encourage creation in the radical countries.The pressure falls on the needy individuals in their surroundings. The effect of abuse of natural assets is broadly felt in creating nations than in entrepreneur cities. As per Marxist ecologically debasing elements and sorting out logical inconsistencies of World Bank are conveyed to the creating nations. The activities of the World Bank are destroying and incorporable more vulnerable powers restrict it . crude materials are misused for world market and there is equal improvement of such things like streets, power â€plants etc.There is likewise substantial leeway of land to clear route for field land or ranch land to deliver items for fare and utilization of pesticides, compound manures that have come about to contamination. Th e activity of the World Bank bring up an issue about the destitute individuals since they are pushed to areas underestimated and hence consumes timberland to clear path for cultivating. Cutting slopes settling in flood inclined zones or in parched zones and so on adding to biological emergency (O'Connor, 1997). As per Marxist this inquiry concerning the development of urban communities in the creating nations is causing natural problems.These urban communities have likewise come about to squander removal issues since dump squanders in unapproved places. There are additionally vitality deficiencies in these nations. The issues of the creating nations are exasperated by obligations to radical nations and World Bank which regularly mean abuse of more assets for fare and along these lines increment in the degree of neediness industrialist nations likewise move unsafe materials into the creating scene and accordingly dirty their condition. As indicated by Marxist trying to tackle ecologi cal issues of the creating scene is a major issue that frequently doesn't materialize.Credits and obligations given to them just exacerbate the issue and what should be done is lessen contingent upon the colonialist nations (O'Connor, 1997). The arrangement of bureaucratic social orders has additionally come about to comparable natural issues as in radical nations. The explanation behind this is they have just beaten the entrepreneur laws of significant worth just somewhat however they have rely upon industrialist and world market reliance on mechanical advancement of the colonialist economies has likewise added to ecological debasement. Bureaucratization was required to build up a social economy yet it dispensed with democracy.The issue of situations was just tended to in little offices. Profound biology depends on the possibility that the earth should remain unblemished and doesn't exist to serve individuals. As indicated by profound environment species reserve the option to exist regardless of the unfaithfulness to their individual (Orton, 1999) Deep nature places an incentive on biodiversity which is important to the prospering of both living and nonliving. As indicated by this methodology the starting point of biological emergency can be situated on the frameworks of human convictions, I. e. either strict or philosophical. Individuals are believed to command nature (O'Connor, 1997).According to the profound environmentalist the option to live for every single living thing is widespread and can't be measured. In this way even individuals can't be rejected from biotic network. It is accepted that individuals from biotic network should save its uprightness magnificence and steadiness (Orton, 1999) Deep environment shows that the development of people has harmed the respectability of nature. Biological system can assimilate restricted measure of water just in the event that they don't surpass the conveying limit. Through this methodology scientist have indica ted that human exercises have changed the biosphere from its normal state.Deep biologist gives all encompassing way to deal with natural issues. The field of profound environment utilizes two methodologies I. e. logical and profound biology. Logical nature clarifies the connection between living types of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Invisible Man By Ellison Essays - Puppetry, Invisible Man, Dolls
Undetectable Man By Ellison Life on the Strings Dolls. We are encircled by dolls. G. I. Joe, Barbie, Polly Pocket, and WWF activity figures. Preceding our plasticene companions we had paper dolls, puppets, and carefully highlighted porcelain dolls. We are peculiarly entranced by these chilly, dead articles that look so much such as ourselves. Youngsters grasp them and make expand scenes, while grown-ups are substance to just gather, permitting them to sit, still on a rack, gazing coolly back at their live partners. Which carries us to and fascinating point, are individuals basically dolls for others to play with or gather? One could make the arguement that we are for the most part Tod Cliftons', bound to move by imperceptible strings while wearing a cover of independence. Notwithstanding, not at all like Tod Clifton, the majority of us won't understand that who pulls the string, isn't ourselves. Ralph Ellison's novel, The Invisible Man is full of pictures of dolls as though to continually reminded the peruser that nobody is in finished control of themselves. Our first case of doll symbolism comes from the get-go in the novel with the Battle Royal scene. The naked, blonde lady is portrayed as having hair that was yellow like that of a carnival kewpie doll (19). Ellison draws an exceptionally solid association between the situation of the Negro man and the white lady. The reality that they are both appeared as manikins or dolls in the work is no fortuitous event. The lady and the African are just show pieces for the white men in the novel. Tod Clifton's moving Sambo dolls are the most striking case of doll symbolism. This little tissue paper doll has the ability to totally change the Imperceptible Man. At the point when he sees that the amazing and cryptic Clifton is the one peddling the loathsome dolls, the storyteller is so loaded up with embarrassment and rage that he spits upon the moving figure. Yet, would could it be that has caused this flooding of fierceness? It is Tod Clifton and not simply the storyteller who has debased to such a base level. In any case, it is our storyteller's unexpected appreciation of his own circumstance that causes his rage. The line For a second our eyes met what's more, he gave me a derisive grin (433) shows this snapshot of acknowledgment for our storyteller. It shows the peruser that Tod Clifton knew about his situation as a manikin from the start and decides to illuminate the storyteller at this specific point in the novel. The Invisible Man perceives that for his entire life he's been a slave and a manikin to other people. Regardless of whether those others were Bledsoe, his granddad, or the fellowship is unimportant, yet there has consistently been and impalpable string appended to him administering all that he does. Not just a string however his own physical attributes reverberation those of the bizarre Sambo dolls. It's cardboard hands were grasped into clench hands. The fingers illustrated in orange paint, and I saw that it had two faces, one on either side of the plates of cardboard, and both smiling. (446) Hands multiplied into clench hands? This is the fellowship message more or less, Strong, prepared to battle for what one apparently has confidence in. However, simultaneously these clench hands are controlled only by the one holding the strings. What's more, the dark Sambo manikin willfully ignorant that he is just a toy. He grins to the group and back to the puppeteer. It is the smile on the substance of this doll at first rankles the Invisible Man. However, why? Recollecting the very beginning of the novel we have the Grandfather's perishing words to our storyteller, ...overcome them with yesses, subvert them with smiles, concur them to death and destruction... (16). It would appear as if the Grandfather and Tod Clifton are allied with each other as the two of them have a firm handle on what power men have over men. We get a ground-breaking and upsetting picture of this very thought when the Invisible Man is in the manufacturing plant clinic after the blast. It is a scene that appears to blur into the jumble of disarray that goes with this piece of the novel, however it is in any case significant. As the storyteller lies in his glass encased box with wires and cathodes joined all over his body, he is exposed to stun treatment. See, he's moving, somebody called. No, truly? ... They truly have musicality, isn't that right? Get hot, kid! Get hot! it said with a snicker. (237) This picture is just about an ideal match with that
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Intentional Relationships
Intentional Relationships Our relationship with food is complicated: you can get by without paying attention to food and its influence on your life, but those who do recognize the effect their diet has on every other aspect of their livesâ€"and who act upon that knowledgeâ€"tend to be more fulfilled on multiple levels. We can optimize our intake for vitamins and raw materials, ingesting our daily regimen in the form of sludge and pills like survivors in a dystopian future wholl take what they can get. Or we can magnify our enjoyment of our meals, homing in on the flavors that tantalize our tongues and flood us with pleasure chemicals, dismissing completely the health-related repercussions involved, because, after all, you only live once. We can also ignore what we eat completely, buying whatevers cheap, whatevers nearby, whatever is in the most brightly colored packages. We can pile a random assortment of things onto our plates and shovel it into our mouths, our minds never focused on the act, a little bit irritated that we have to take the time to do even that much. An intentional diet is different: it strikes a balance between the two extremes in that first exampleâ€"it allows us to experience pleasure through the act of eating, while also enjoying the long-term benefits of healthy consumption. Unlike the second example, being conscious of what we eat reshapes something that could be a passive, drudgerous activity and makes it engaging, makes it worthwhileâ€"it makes it something we look forward to, and something we improve over time. Like our relationships with food, our relationships with other human beings can be complicated. We can optimize these relationships, reading self-help books and reducing the exercise to a math equation with numbers to carry and symbols to draw, all of them cloaking the complexity of something thats difficult to explain in formulae and numerals. We can hurl ourselves into the experience of knowing someone, perhaps quite intimately, without understanding how the process works or what exactly were feeling in the first place. Enjoying the moment, but never exploring how we interact with others beyond those moments. We can also ignore our relationships, accepting that they are a necessary component of our lives to some degree, but never investigating to see what role these connections might play in our happiness, our education, our personalities, our growth, our stability. Intentionality means paying attention: It means doing things on purposeâ€"not passively, not reflexively, not because we have to. Doing something with the intention of getting as much out of it as possible, whatever that happens to mean in context. With food, it means ensuring youre eating well in the sense that youre intaking what your body needs, youre enjoying the process of eating rather than considering it a torturous undertaking, and youre eating in a way thats sustainable: not over-using resources, not eating too much or too little, not making it the only thing in your life, not relegating it to the role of a background character on your personal stage. A balanced relationship. With people, intentionality is similar: It means striking a balance thats both sustainable and enjoyable. It means bringing other people into your life in a way thats healthyâ€"not co-dependent, but not isolating. Not trying to trick the system with gimmicks and acts, but not ignoring how you might improve your approach to meeting and interacting with others, either. Improving your connections, yes; but doing so based on strict instructions offered by someone with different needs and goals, no. Every relationship is different, as is every single persons needs: Some people opt for a more traditional, archetypal arrangement (whatever that might mean for the culture in which they were raised), while others aim for something slightly off-center. Still others prefer something so different from the norm that their model doesnt have a name yet. Whatever the case may be for you, consider how your relationships might be more intentional, more customized, for you and your needs. And then act upon that knowledge. Because although its wonderful to intend to be intentional, wanting to improve upon something is only putting on your shoesâ€"at some point you must step out the door and walk toward the goal youve identified. Colin Wrights new book, Some Thoughts About Relationships, is a book for people who want it all when it comes to relationships: something tailor-made for their unique beliefs, goals, desires, and lifestyles. It also includes a special foreword by Joshua Fields Millburn.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Shortfall of Sticks and Stones - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1099 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? If an individual is reminded of anything at any time he or she must have known that thing before (Apolloni, 32). Recollection therefore can be defined as knowledge that is gained through this manner whereby when an individual sees one thing, he or she becomes very conscious and also something else too (Gallop, 207). Socrates discussed his ways of life, philosophy as well as the fate of his soul the day before his death. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Shortfall of Sticks and Stones" essay for you Create order Practice of death is said to be philosophy. Its philosophy that separates the soul from the body, also from the world of sense as well as changes and then converts it to the eternal truth (Matthen, 282). Despite this, philosophers do not need to take away their own lives since in such circumstances, our lives no longer belongs to us, since we remain to be only possessors of the gods (Nehamas, 171). The sheep that was send to Delos that delayed execution of the Socrates had been in the honor of the Theseus’ who had slain the Minotaur and then escaped the labyrinth (Apolloni, 32). By doing this Theseus was able to save around seven boys as well as seven maidens which made up to fourteen lives being saved. The people’s fear of death is compared to the fear of a monster (Matthen, 282). The image is also seen when he compares himself together with Phaedo to the Hercules as well as the Iolaus to vanquish the Hydra (Gallop, 208). It’s then revealed that Socrates had been composing poetry as well as songs while still in the prison. Was a hymn that was composed to Apollo as well as one Aesop’s fables to verse? Fables by Aesop were completely false but they were majorly made to convey moral truths to the entire society (Gallop, 208). Socrates practicing of music together with other references to the music throughout the dialogue. All learning is recollection. An individual cannot be reminded of one thing through making an individual to be more conscious about another (Nehamas, 172). This means that forgetting an activity can be reversed by occurrence of a very conscious activity. Death exited before birth but we are reminded of death after birth. If it were not for death then birth would not be treated as a conscious activity. When an individual sees a cloth that belongs to a beloved one, one will immediately think of an individual that puts on the cloth but not the cloth itself. The theory of form argues that there is such a thing that it as equality itself (Apolloni, 32). This is something that is independent of any other given case of equality which may include equal sticks or equal stones (Gallop, 209). Forms of equality comes to our minds any time we see equal objects. Seeing equal objects triggers our minds to thinking about the forms of equality. Despite this, two objects may look equal from one point of view and unequal from another (Matthen, 282). This means that stones that may look equal at one point may also look unequal from a different dimension of view but this should not prove equality to be unequal (Matthen, 282). Everyone knows that are not perfectly equal since hey fall short of being equal but we need to understand the principle of equality before arguing that two objects are not equal. We need to know the forms of equality in order to be able to conclude that two objects are not equal. People gets to understand the equal sticks and stone through their senses and it’s also their similar senses that deficiency with view of truth (Apolloni, 32). Instances of perfect equality does not exist in the sensible world but we human beings we have had the notion of the perfect world since when we became alive. By the Socrates argument, we cannot have learned about equality through our own senses but we obtained our knowledge about it long before birth (Gallop, 209). If this then is true, then all other forms of equality should be treated to be true too. In really sense, it should seem as if we had lost this knowledge concerning these senses at birth and then it is through learning that we then come to recollect them back and then understand them again (Gallop, 209). This is the reason behind Socrates argument that learning is recollection. There still exists an alternative explanation of the same issue. An individual who truly understands a given subject should then clearly explain it to others but despite this, many people cannot explain things that Socrates has been explaining to them (Apolloni, 32). If now they are unable to explain these things, but they can easily be brought to recollect them, then they must have acquired the knowledge about them in the past life experience but unfortunately or fortunately they forgot it during the moment of birth. This is how recollection occurs. Both Simmias as well as Cebes agree with Socrates’s argument that soul existed even before birth, they are yet to agree that the same soul coheres immediately after birth (Nehamas, 171). Socrates claims that this has already been proved true through comparison of theory of recollection with the arguments from opposite views. The theory of recollection argue that soul used to exist even before birth but the argument on the opposite view argue that it must have arose from out of death (Apolloni, 32). Having in their minds that the soul has to be re-born every time it passes away, Simmias as well as Cebes are forced to acknowledge that it has to continue to exist even after death. Socrates is very precise in hi argument about the theory of recollection. What is talking about is an issue that an individual is an able to appreciate in really world but it is only in imagination as well as philosophical world that this can be seen to make some sense. We have had this knowledge in our minds since before we were born but we could not recollect it or rather. Occurrence of a very conscious activity forces us to recollect it as soon as possible. For instance, equality of two objects cannot be brought into existence by questioning but by occurrence of something very sensitive. According to Plato, it seems that we have two intrinsic knowledge of these forms which is the reason that we need to recollect in order to bring them back into our minds. On the side, this knowledge may remain some-how unconscious till through recollection that it is brought back into existence. People with conscious knowledge of something that happened are able to give an account of it to oth ers.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Dating Violence can Happen More Than you Think - 1227 Words
Dating violence can happen more than you think and to anyone. There are many problems now days that affect our society and people. One of the problems out there that people tend to forget is relationship abuse. All throughout the world, relationship abuse is being occurred every day and every hour. As people say, relationship violence has no zip code. Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone in all ages, race, sexual orientation, gender or even religion. Relationship violence can be either physical, sexual, or emotionally as well, just because you’re not being hit and bruised doesn’t mean you’re not being abused. It can also be towards both genders. Domestic violence is when the batterer uses acts of violence and a different of behaviors, threats, physical abuse, and isolation and to control the other person. Psychological violence is also as considered a abuse that can happen within relationship which is intense and repetitive humiliation, creating isolat ion, and controlling the actions or behaviors of the partner through manipulation to victim. In a website called â€Å"Safe Voices†it states that one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and it is mostly women ages 16 to 24 who experience the highest relationship violence. One in three teens in the U.S. is a victim of relationship abuse from there dating partner. Many victims don’t know what to do in responds when getting abuse and don’t report the situation due to the fact that theyShow MoreRelatedIs No Law For Teen Dating Violence?1357 Words  | 6 Pageseen violence has become a major problem in children today. Many teens are pressured with drugs and alcohol, but violence from your boyfriend/girlfriend is a growing problem for teens in the world today. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Similarities and Differences in Sociological Theories of Crime Free Essays
Sociological theories of crime contain a great deal of useful information in the understanding of criminal behavior. Sociological theories are very useful in the study of criminal behavior because unlike psychological and biological theories they are mostly macro level theories which attempt to explain rates of crime for a group or an area rather than explaining why an individual committed a crime. (Kubrin, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Similarities and Differences in Sociological Theories of Crime or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is however some micro level sociological theories of crime that attempts to explain the individual’s motivation for criminal behavior (Kubrin, 2012). Of the contemporary sociological theories there are three which come to the forefront and which we will examine, social conflict theory, social disorganization theory, and rational choice theory. Social Conflict Theory As the name suggests, social conflict theory is a conflict based perspective. Conflict based perspectives assert that laws that govern what behaviors are criminal and what are not come from a conflict between those in power and those who aren’t (Kubrin, 2012). Social conflict theory basically says that crime is born out of this conflict between those that have power within a society and those that don’t. Those that have the power in a society are the ones that make the laws and therefore make laws which will benefit them and forward their goals and ideals often at the expense of those without power. It is this conflict and the resulting laws regulating what is criminal and what is not that is ultimately the cause of crime. Social Disorganization Theory Unlike social conflict theory, social disorganization theory is based on the consensus perspective. The consensus perspective believes that laws are born out of a consensus of members of a society seeking order within that society (Kubrin, 2012). Social disorganization theory views crime as a result of a breakdown of organization and culture within a society (Warner, 2003). This breakdown of organization and culture within a community leads to a lack of informal social control which in turn leads to higher crime rates especially in the juvenile population (Simons, Simons, Burt, Brody, Cutrona, 2005). Social disorganization theory asserts that strong levels of connection within a community along with a sense of civic pride motivate individuals to take a more active role in the community therefore acting as a deterrent to crime. Rational Choice Theory The third of the contemporary sociological theories is rational choice theory. In stark contrast to social conflict theory and social disorganization theory which are macro level theories, rational choice theory is a micro level theory (Kubrin, 2012). Rational choice theory focuses on the individual motivation behind criminal behavior. Specifically the idea that the choice to commit criminal behavior is a choice based on a type of risk reward scenario. The person contemplating a criminal act consciously weighs the risk associated with the crime against the reward they stand to gain from the crime. Similarities and Differences Each of these three contemporary sociological theories of crime are similar in that they focus mainly on crime in poor or disadvantaged areas. This focus is obvious with social conflict theory and social disorganization theory but not as much with rational choice theory although it is there. With rational choice theory the concept of what is to be gained from the criminal activity in itself implies that the person is most likely poor or disadvantaged in some way necessitating crime to obtain the things they need or desire. Where these theories differ is their basic concepts of what the actual cause of crime is. Where social conflict theory and social disorganization theory view the causes of crime on a group level, rational choice theory says that crime is caused on an individual level. Likewise, on an even more fundamental level, social conflict theory and social disorganization theory differ in that social conflict theory believes laws regulating criminal behavior are formed out of conflict within a society where social disorganization theory believes laws are formed from a consensus within society. Conclusions Sociological theories of crime are very useful, especially in the prediction and prevention of crime. One of their greatest strengths is their ability to explain crime within a certain group or community. However, the fact that the group or area they most often focus on is poor or disadvantages is one of their greatest weaknesses. Sociological theories fail to account for so called white collar crimes and other types of crimes that occur mainly among more wealthy individuals and in more well off neighborhoods. As with psychological and biological theories, sociological theories have their strengths and weaknesses. To truly understand the nature and causes of crime and to be able to prevent it will take an understanding and blending of many different theories. How to cite Similarities and Differences in Sociological Theories of Crime, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Tennis Serve Essays - Anatomical Terms Of Motion, Elbow, Serve
The Tennis Serve The tennis serve is the stroke that puts the ball in play and is often referred to as the most important stroke in the game of tennis. It has become a principle weapon of attack and is used to place the opponent on the defensive by forcing a return from the weak side or by moving the receiver out of position. A good strong serve can sometimes be the basis of winning a game of tennis. I have included eight picture sequences to illustrate the tennis serve. Represented in picture A is the stance of the serve. In this part of the serve, the person needs to take a position sideways to the net, about three or four feet to the right center mark behind the baseline. The left foot is two to three inches behind the line, the toes pointing toward the net post. The back foot is parallel to the baseline and spread conformably from the front. Pictures B and C represent the preparation phase. In these pictures, the execution of the ball toss is performed. The ball toss is the key to a well-executed serve: a good release consistently places the ball in the proper hitting position. A poor release can throw off timing and ultimately cause a bad serve. In pictures D-F the action phase is represented. In picture D of the action phase, the elbow reaches a position slightly higher than the shoulder, then the elbow bends and the racket head drops down behind the back into what is called the back scratching position. In picture E, the ball should be at its maximum height of the toss before striking it. In picture F, the last of the action phase, the movement of striking the ball is explosive in an upward and forward motion until contact Pictures G and H represent the follow through. In the follow through the action is performed up and out, not down, in the direction of the intended target area. The follow through is a natural continuation of the stroke. A good follow through will help prepare for the next step in approaching the net for a return. Kinematics is defined as the study of motion. It is compiled of different bodily planes and different joint motions. In the beginning of the serve, during the stance (picture A), the feet are outwardly rotated. The hips and the trunk are extended. The left shoulder is slightly flexed along with the right shoulder and the shoulder girdles are slightly abducted. Both of the wrists are pronated with the elbows slightly flexed. During the preparation (pictures B and C) the feet are still in an outwardly rotated position. The hips slightly abduct with the trunk still in full extension. The shoulders are abducted, with slight elevation of the shoulder girdle. Both elbows are extended, but the right wrist stays in a pronated position and the left wrist is supinated. During the action (pictures D-F) the right foot inwardly rotates along with it performing planter flexion but the left foot stays in an outwardly rotated position. The hips are adducted but then they shift to abduction. The trunk starts in hyperextension then get fully extended and slightly rotate to the left. Both knees flex but the left knee extends while the right knee stays flexed. The left shoulder goes from flexion to extension while the right shoulder performs high diagonal adduction. The left elbow goes from extension to flexion and the right elbow goes from flexion to extension. The left hand goes from supination to pronation while the right hand stays in a pronated position. Finally, during the follow through (pictures G and H) the left foot inwardly rotates along with some planter flexion. The right foot inwardly rotates and goes back to a naturally flat position. Both hips are flexed along with the flexion of the trunk and it's rotation. The left shoulder remains in an extended position but the right shoulder follows through with the high diagonal adduction, while both shoulder girdles perform abduction. The right elbow slightly flexes but the left elbow extends. The knees go from flexion to a greater degree of flexion. The kinematics of the tennis serve is a complicated thing, it consist of
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